Health Reform
Black Beans - 500g
- Black Beans are incredibly healthy.
- Health Benefits include the following: Blood sugar regulation, Cancer prevention, Eye health, Heart health, Weight control, Digestive health.
- Black beans are Cholesterol-free, Low fat, Sodium-free and contain high fiber.
- Contains 114 calories per 500g
Black Beans are incredibly healthy. The health benefits named are: Blood sugar regulation, Cancer prevention, Eye health, Heart health, Weight control, Digestive health.
Black beans are Cholesterol-free, Low fat, Sodium-free and contain high fiber.
Wash and soak the black beans in water for 8 to 10 hours before cooking to achieve optimum flavour.
86g cooked black beans contains approx : Energy : Kilocalories 114, Protein 7,62g, Fat 0.45g, Carbohydrates 20.39g, Fiber 7.5g, Sugars 0.28g, Calcium 23mg, Iron 1.81g, Magnesium 60mg, Sodium 1mg, Zinc 0.96mg, Thiamin 0.21mg, Niacin 0.434mg, Folate,128msg, VitaminK 2.8mg. Black Beans offer phytonutrients –saponins, anthocyanins, kaempferol, quercetin, all have antioxidant properties.
Blood group : A - Beneficital -(N-S –neutral)
Blood group : B, AB - Avoid
Blood group : O - Neutral