Health and Herbs
Cubebs Berries Whole 100g
R 241.00
241 King Coins
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- Commonly used to treat digestive and urinary tract problems including flatulence and bronchitis
- Add flavour to any meat or vegetable dish
- Bitter, pungent flavour with a hint of allspice and nutmeg
- As a gin botanical often used alongside juniper
- Aphrodisiac
- Liana from Indonesia: Java, Kalimantan and Sumatra
- Dioecious plant, whose flexible stems emit from time to time adventitious roots
- Leaves ovate-slender, glabrous, heart-shaped base
- Flowers in loose spikes
- Berries pea-sized, glabrous, dark brown, with a false peduncle (stipe) (hence the popular name Tailed Pepper )
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