The Harvest Table
Pineapple Booster

  • Like other dark green leafy vegetables, kale is a natural source of calcium, iron, beta carotene, and vitamin C. Kale is part of the cruciferous group of vegetables; along with cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and others; which have been studied for their health-promoting properties. Kale is also a good source of dietary fiber and a natural source of vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids), vitamin K, and manganese. It is also a source of copper, tryptophan, vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium, vitamin E, vitamin B2, protein, vitamin B1, folate, phosphorus, and vitamin B3. Also worth noting in kale’s nutritional profile is its vitamin K content. Kale contains nearly twice the amount of vitamin K as most of its fellow cruciferous vegetables.
From R 75.00
from 75 King Coins
Mnf. code: 22301
Availability: (select variant to see availability)

Shipped in: 1 -3 days

250g Mini