The Real Thing
Veggie Superfoods - 200g
- Power house of greens
Full of green things from land, sea, and freshwater. Organic grasses of wheat, barley, and alfalfa, seven organic or wild-harvested sea vegetables PLUS chlorella, spirulina, parsley, and spinach.
FROM THE LAND: Organic wheat, barley, and alfalfa grasses
It's a trio of pure cereal grasses, each with its own nutritional talents. They provide a multi-nutritional boost. And they're more than qualified. Organically grown in rich volcanic soil – and because they're farm-grown, not tray-grown, they can lay down deep roots and absorb more nutrients. Alfalfa grass in particular. It lays down the deepest roots of any plant or vegetable and deeper roots mean even more nutrients.
The Europeans have included parsley in their world-famous Commission E monographs... That something to be said. It contains so many ingredients that have so many healthful effects on our system – too many to describe – we'll just focus on a few: Besides containing carotene, vitamins B1, B2, C, and K, it is a potent antioxidant and helps detox.
Spinach is an extremely rich source of antioxidants and a rich source of vitamin A, C, E, K,iron, folic acid, magnesium and nitrates. It is thought to play a role in regulating blood sugar levels and early research suggests that compounds in spinach may slow the aging of the nervous system!
FROM THE OCEAN: 7 organic or wild-harvested sea vegetables
Sea vegetables provide 10 to 20 times more vitamins and minerals than land vegetables. That's good news. Particularly when it comes to iodine, a vital mineral for the healthy functioning of glands like the pituitary, adrenals, and thyroid.
You say sea vegetables. I say seaweeds. Let's call the whole thing off. But only after we've noted that no family of foods offers more protection against radiation and environmental toxins than these sea greens.
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