Health and Herbs
Wild Dagga Herb Cut /Lion's Tail 75g
The generic name Leonotis is derived from the Greek words leon meaning lion and -otis meaning ear. This refers to the pubescent upper lip of each flower that resembles a lion’s ear, hence the vernacular name. The specific epithet leonurus means lion-coloured, a reference to the flower colour of some forms.
Early dwellers present in South Africa such as the Hottentot tribe or Khoikhoi, smoked the dry leaves and flowers which were said to have narcotic properties bringing on a calm sensation or euphoric feeling when smoked, hence the vernacular name wildedagga meaning wild dagga. It has been reported to be similar to Cannabis but not in any way related and is very mild and not as potent. It is one of the most effective legal herbal substitutes to smoking tobacco or cannabis. Users have reported to have experienced symptoms of mild excitement or elation, visual impairment, dizziness and light headedness, nausea, and sweating.