Natural Nerd
Zinc Oxide (Non-Nano) 100ml
- 100ml.
- Non-Nano Particle Size.
- Not absorbed by skin.
- Suitable for all skin types.
- Natural pigment.
- Treats a variety of skin conditions.
- Offers sun protection.
- Home compostable packaging.
Zinc oxide is a natural and reflective mineral which has a variety of uses:
- It is used as a white pigment in cosmetics and paint.
- It is used to treat skin conditions like acne, dermatitis, eczema, itching, burns and diaper rash.
- It is used in large doses as a physical filter to provide sun protection in cosmetics, including sunblock.
Zinc oxide is non-comedogenic and non-irritant, which makes it suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. It will not clog your pores.
You can add zinc oxide to your homemade soap bars, salves, creams, lotions, lip balms, and mineral makeup formulations either as a natural colourant or skin treatment. The particle size of non-nano zinc oxide is too large to be absorbed by the skin, and it therefore sits on the surface of the skin as a barrier.
Zinc oxide is not soluble in water nor oil, but it is dispersible in both. It will eventually separate if not suspended in a denser final product.
Recommended usage rate: 2 - 25% in weight.
How to use this ingredient for best results:
- Don't inhale or ingest zinc oxide. Wear a mask when handling to prevent inhaling the fine particles.
- Soap bars: Disperse the zinc oxide directly into your soaping oils with a blender, before adding the lye.
- Creams and lotions: Thoroughly blend the zinc oxide into your final product after it reaches trace, or after it cools down.
- Balms and salves: Disperse the zinc oxide directly into your warm oils with a blender, and once off the heat, continue stirring until the product reaches trace.
Packaging: Home compostable wood cellulose bag that will decompose within 6 months in your home compost bin or worm farm. Paper label.
Recipes by Natural Nerd:
Caution: Do not attempt to make or sell your own homemade sunblock. This is dangerous, since you cannot guarantee the final SPF and adequate distribution of zinc oxide in your product. Only lab-tested and certified sunblocks can be trusted. You put yourself, and those who use your product at risk of skin cancer. Rather add zinc oxide to your products for some sun protection, but please do not use or sell as a sunblock, or claim that the product is sunblock. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in South Africa according to CANSA, and South Africa has the second highest incidence of skin cancer in the world. Please be responsible.
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