Organic  Beetroots Marinated - Sliced - 400g

Organic Beetroots Marinated - Sliced - 400g

  • Organic Beetroot slices are a delicious and nutritious addition to every meal full of vitamin B9. The marinade is balancing well with fine taste of the organic beetroot. These lightly marinated beetroots are also grown without any herbicides, pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Marinated beetroots are ready to eat. Slightly sour, crispy and conveniently sliced they are perfect for salad, soup or any side dish. Think about your liver and enjoy a slightly sour marinated Organic Beetroot.
R 50.00
50 King Coins
Mnf. code: 22163
Availability: Out of stock

Shipped in: 1 - 3 business days


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